Everlasting Debate on SRW Vs DRW Pickups – What We Think!
When you have to transport loads quite regularly, or even occasionally, the whole matter of what type of reading wheel system is there to help you becomes really relevant and important. And when that’s the discussion, most would get reminded of the SRW vs DRW system argument.
To a few the DRW sounds like an irreplaceable pick and away better one to opt for. While some have their own reason to vote for SRW, and if you give it some deep thoughts, they aren’t wrong exactly.
Now the whole thing takes a toll on some people, the ones who barely have an idea of how such things work and the whole internal factors related to it. That’s when a comparison on the single rear wheel vs dual rear wheel comes into play.
Something we are planning to do today!
Comparing SRW Vs DRW Pickups
A little idea of what happens with both these setups are what we’ve tried to demonstrate right below. In case you want to have a quick glance.

SRW vs DRW – The Definition of What Exactly These Are
Some might just want to start from the starting and first figure out what is DRW truck is or simply what the SRW truck meaning. Well, you are right, dear beginner, in this matter.
So, starting from what is DRW truck is. It basically means dually or dual rear wheels. On the rear axle, if you see there are two pairs of wheels on each side, then that’s what this pattern refers to.
You should find the dual rear wheels on large vans. But more commonly, these are seen in utility trucks or pickup vehicles.
Now coming to what does SRW mean on a truck. The SRW actually is a short form to the single rear wheel.
Basically, the trucks in this case would have a single pair of rear wheels. Or in total 4 wheels, and this one is the more common type. As the configuration suits best for most sort of truck tasks. And this includes towing as well as hauling.
There are several ford trucks that use both DRW and SRW variations. For example, the super duty f-350. And so, you should not have trouble finding one or simply getting both as there are options for you to go any route.
Quick Question Time – Why Does Ford Offer Both Options?
It’s because they focus on payload capacity as well as stability for the towing task. Dual rear wheels are a great concept to include for huge howling pay longs. However, they are lacking when it comes to suburbs or city driving.
While with a single rear wheel setup, there’s the best navigation for urban settings but poor stability with RV, horse trailer, or boat style of payload hauling.
And having both styles on board just makes the balance that copes for each other’s cons. That’s probably why Ford went that route of offering both.
SRW Vs DRW – Exploring Advantages of Each
There cannot be a better way to differentiate both of these in a way that makes you a lost clear on which one would be your ideal bet. Because when you are trying to find the right one, you are actually looking at the factor of which would give the best benefit set meeting your purposes. So here we go.
With The Single Rear Wheel Pickups, You Would Enjoy
- Smooth and much more balanced driving experience on highways as well as suburbs and of course cities.
- Easily towing with payloads that are light-duty as that’s what you deal with usually.
- Flatbed-friendly materials are simple to transport.
With The Dual Rear Wheel Pickups, You Would Enjoy
- Chances of the item falling being very low from the flatbed for it has a way better stability.
- Trailers with heavy-duty payloads are easy to tow.
- Rough terrain-friendly driving with additional stability.
Now after going through the advantages, it seems like the towing capacity is also a matter of preference that driver-wise could vary. And same works for the habits of driving for the truck rider.
So, it basically sums up this Single rear wheel vs dually situation till now, it’s something like this. Someone who needs quite high towing capacity won’t find a single rear wheel a very worthy purchase, but DRW will work great for them.
Then again, anyone looking for light-duty towing experience doesn’t have to go with the dual version, and simply opting for SRW pickups will work.
The Better Convenience Provider for Regular Usage?
The Dually or DRW comes with a rear base that is quite wide. And so, this means the wheels are going to make the vehicle take up quite a lot of space on road. This is why sometimes you can see trucks taking the whole highway lane entirely itself leaving no space for any other vehicle
And so, it’s quite clear that maybe for heavy loads, someone is left with no choice but to go with DRW pickups but if it’s for daily usage, the whole experience would be far from convenient. Not to mention the trouble the driver has to take for parking this vehicle.
Now, this does not apply to riders who love boasting about the fact that they are able to control such a huge size vehicle with a bulky wheel setup.
However, if convincing is what you care for mainly, single rear sounds the better bet between Single rear wheel vs DRE. Unless in dire need of that additional towing capacity is there. Then the sacrifice of convenient sound is a wise move.
Less Expensive to Maintain?
Cost is going to be a huge factor in deciding the better one between DRW vs SRW for so many readers, we can already feel that.
Now it is true that you will need some spending for keeping up with the maintenance rituals. And you have to get a full understanding of those maintenances first.
With the dually, you have an extra pair of wheels that would require a maintenance charge. So clearly when there’s wear and tear noticeable in DRW vehicles, you are going to pay for each problematic tire, which eventually would be more than SRW type.
Also, a routine rotation is in most cases necessary when it comes to the DRW tires. So that the wear and tear can be distributed as you use them. And that just means also additional effort is necessary for DRW systems.
While with SRW all of that seems to be less effort demanding. Not to mention the wheel maintenance cost which is also less than DRW. So technically, you’re most of the time paying less with the SRW trucks compared to DRW ones for maintenance and repairs.
When It Comes to Their Capacity
Basically, this is the only reason most prefer the DRW system. And to be fair, this is a big one and often a strong reason for picking the DRW system over the SRW ones.
In terms of getting maximum towing capacity, the DRW serves a lot more flexibly. The rides with more load are also smooth and stable. Something that does not happen with SRW with a heavy load.
You will get more tow out of DRW, and this is significantly more than the SRW counterparts. Let’s take the ford f-350 with a diesel engine for example.
This one can tow around 18000 lbs. with the single rear wheels and that’s its maximum by the way. However, with dually, the capacity increases to 21000 lbs. Add a gooseneck towing and you’ll just boost the capacity to an even higher point.
Also, because the towing benefits to DRW are so significantly high, we also feel like it’s worth the little hassle. That’s why there’s no argument with the fact that anyone who needs to work with a lot of heavy items, must choose DRW over SRW.
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Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)
Do I need DRW?
As you can already tell a bit from the comparison of SRE vs dually, you probably do need the DRW type if heavy load towing s your thing most of the time.
And this would include any large-size trailer as well as an RV. Not to mention heavy loads like a boat. But for occasional towing and drivers who would use the truck for regular light loads, it’s not necessary.
Is a dually better for towing?
Yes, there’s a clear advantage with the dually for towing heavy loads. Also, it helps when you are in need of better traction for traveling through surfaces that are full of mud or dirt.
Again, trailering with better stability and sway control is also a thing of dually. Another scene where dually sounds better is windy weather or going through roads that are pretty curvy.
What is a super single wheel?
This is a certain type of tire that does a great job at handling larger as well as heavier tasks. And one needs to install it with a wide size wheel.
The thing mounts with the truck’s steer axle. People love it for adding weight rating to the steer axle. And it’s normally around 12000 to 18000 pounds.
Are super single tires better than duals?
Yes actually. You are able to deliver more cargo with the super singles. And yes, there are also fuel economy benefits to it, unlike the duals. Traction is also less with super singles and you get better use during wintry situations.
Do dually tires last longer?
Typically, the dually are known for lasting a good period of time. However, it also depends on how well you are at maintenance.
So, keep in mind that you must educate yourself with proper maintenance and repair regimes, give the tire enough attention, and then expect the long-lastingness out of it.
How often do you rotate dually tires?
As soon as you are done running around 10 thousand miles, rotate the wheels. If you are too rough with the dually in terms of usage, then rotating earlier would be better.
Why do trucks use super singles?
There are so many good reasons for one to choose the super singles. But the main one would be its ability to reduce any pressure on a tire that feels uneven. And that’s mostly on axle one side.
It simply happens because a single tire switching is working here. There’s also no need for monitoring tire pressure that is hard to reach.
Compared to the regular dual tires, you will find better contact patches that are substantial with the sire single tires. So obviously the load capacity of the fleet gets boosted.
Ultimate Winner Between SRW vs DRW Trucks?
Finally, we are in the segment where we must pick one, it could be SRW or DRW but not both. That’s the whole purpose of a comparison of Single rear wheel vs dual rear wheel discussion.
It’s not as simple as that actually. Because need and usage wise, there always will be a different name that takes the crown. And if you’ve gone through all the parts discussed by us today, you won’t be asking why.
However, we’ve found people being fond of DRW setups more than the SRW simply because there’s more towing capacity with it. Also, it’s true that those who go into using DRW would hardly ever think about getting back to SRW.
So apparently, the winner of the Dually vs SRW scene would be the dual reran wheel. Even with the comparison talking about many parts where SRW rocks, it’s true that if you think about towing then getting maximum out of it is often the goal. And then DRW with its high gross vehicle weight is like a replacement when compared to SRW.
But there’s nothing wrong with SRW though. In fact, for anyone who doesn’t need that additional towing capability and would love a mechanism that allows enough freedom for taking regular rides with convenience, SRW is still the better choice.
Wrapping Up
Finally, we are done with the comparison between SRW vs DRW. And of course, the whole thing is based on the person who stays between the wheels and their way of using the vehicle. Hopefully, you were able to get some insight into the whole thing. And now making a choice seems simpler than before.
We’ll Come Back with Another Fun Topic Soon!
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James Noah
Ah! Driving your King has no twist when you have zero knowledge! Yes, Noah is here with his core experiences about trucks, cars, suvs and atvs. Working as a cheif editor for Automasterx to make you satisfied with solid data driven post.