
P068a Ford F150: Why It Happens and The Solutions

What is this P068a Ford f150? You may also hear some continuous tic tac sound coming from your ford f150 and a signal with P068a code. Calm down, mate. It’s an error code that needs your attention and needs to be solved.

This error code wants to tell you that “the ECM/PCM Power Relay De-Energized performance – too early”. Sounds difficult? Wait,. Here we’ll solve all your confusion and problems regarding this error code. So let’s start to know everything about this.

What Is The P068a Ford F150

P068a is a common error found in almost all models and brands of cars. Whether you use Ford, Audi, Dodge, or Volkswagen in your driving journey, you may face error codes like P068a ford Mondeo or P068a ford f150 Ecoboost.

P068a is power related error code. This issue is also defined as Powertrain Control Module (PCM) or Engine Control Module (ECM). When the battery can’t provide sufficient, safe voltage to the PCM at the right circuit, your ford f150 will show you this P068a error code.

P068a Causes And Symptoms You Weren’t Aware Of

You may be astonished when you see the P068a error code on your ford f150 dashboard. Before screaming out, “why am I seeing this?” Let’s find out the causes and symptoms hidden behind this code.

Fuse linkDelayed or no start condition
Damaged power relay
Short circuit between power relay and PCM
Engine drivability issue

2 Best Process To Check P068a Error Code

Every manufacturer provides a Technical Service Bulletin or TSB to find the solution to every known problem. But, finding the diagnosis reasons is somewhat tiring and difficult to find.

So, we’ll try to cover the best possible processes of checking the reasons behind the error code P068a.

Process 1: Checking Through Scanner

If you have a diagnostic scanner, you’re halfway done finding the causes behind every error. To sort out your problems through the scanner.

First, you need to connect the scanner to the diagnostic port. You’llYou’ll find the option here, Reset or Unable to Reset.

It’s always better to start with the Reset option. For resetting, clear the codes. If the codes are reset immediately, you need to check the wiring and connector system properly. There might be some broken harnesses that need to be repaired or replaced.

If the data are Unable to Reset, your ford doesn’t have any drivability symptoms. You can continue to test drive your vehicle after several starts and stop processes. If the test drive continued in a good way, then continue to drive your car normally.

Process 2: Checking Battery Voltage 

P068a error code occurs mostly when the battery can’t ensure the necessary, safe voltage supply.

If all your car’s wiring is in good condition, we need to look at your car’s battery. Test all fuses and relays to ensure that the ECM power is getting the required battery voltage.

According to your battery condition, you need to take the below steps:

  • If there’s no constant voltage at the connector of power relay, then try to repair/replace the fusible links.
  • If the input supply voltage is present, test the connector pins’ performance on the right side. Less power supply indicates a faulty relay.
  • Test the output circuit if the output voltage of the power supply (PCM) is high.

How To Fix P068a Problems

Now you’re on the way to fixing this P068a error code problem. The common repairing process for this P068a is not so difficult, and you can easily diagnose this problem just by doing the following one after another.

Repairing Electric Wires

We always encourage you to start with a simple thing. You’reYou’re coming this way, and we believe you know how to check through the scanner. So, if your scanner reset signals you that there’s a problem with the electric wire, then repair or replace the electric wires.

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Long time use can corrode the electric wires. Then it’s mandatory to replace these damaged electric wires and related connections.

Repairing Loose Connection

It sounds silly, but most of the time, it’s found that loose or shorted connections lead to this P068a error.

So, when you see this error signal, get off from your car, open the bonnet and make sure that all the connections are tightly secured and there’s no short circuit.

Solve Battery Issues

When a battery can’t supply a sufficient amount of safe voltage to power supply, fuses, and relays, you get this unwanted De Energized Performance. To avoid this, what you can do is:

  • Follow the P068a battery detachment process properly and install them again to the designed slot.
  • Fully charge the battery.
  • Repair or replace the loose or damaged battery cables.

These 3 can solve all your battery-related problems and vanish the P068a code Ford f150. 

Replace Damaged ECM/PCM Relay

So, have you tried all the options but still, the error is not resolved? Then, we need to try our last option, and it’s the replacement of the defective ECM/PCM relay. It won’t cost you a lot here to replace this relay but definitely get you out of this irritating problem.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What Does Code P068a Mean?

P068a is an error code, and it means “ECM/PCM Power Relay De-Energized performance – too early.” When the power storage, cable, or relay doesn’t get enough safe voltage to start, this error code shows on the dashboard.

What Occurs P068a?

P068a occurs when:

  • An open or shorted circuit exists between the PCM/ECM and the power relay.
  • Failure occurs in fusible connection links
  • Existence of faulty and damaged electrical relays


P068a Ford f150 code creates trouble, and it’s disgusting if you don’t know how to solve this problem. But from now on, we believe you won’t find it difficult because you know where to check and how to fix this P068a code.

We wish you a happy journey and happy fixing of all of the error codes from your ford f150 and your life in as simple a way as we discussed in this article.

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D Conroy

Meet our senior writer and content manager of Automasterx. He has worked in several mechanical garages and mastered different vehicle diagnoses and parts repair. He never stops until finding out the ultimate solutions for any vehicle fault code. However, ensuring the only solid solutions for each vehicle malfunction is his core part of the duty, alongside analyzing fault codes and signals.

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